Marketing From the Inside—OUT!
Senior Edition!!!
Multi-District Workshop
September 9, 2009
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Marketing Begins With YOU
• With Every Staff Member
• With Every Board Member
• With Every “Friend” of the Library
• With Every Customer You Serve
Marketing from the Inside--OUT
• Get Your Message Across Clearly
• Have it be Understood
• Have it Remembered
• Have it Reminded
• Have it in Different Forms/Formats
• Have it in Different Languages
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Senior Population
• 3 Generations
• Baby Boomers
• Older Adults
• Elderly
• Friends & Family
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Different Formats
• Different Ways to Market
• New Technology and Old Technology
• Print vs. Non-Print
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Basic Marketing
• Programs Ratio: 1 Program=20 Marketing Hours
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Loyal Customer
• Marketing in the Library:
• Flyers
• Posters
• Bookmarks
• Check-out Slips
• Program Information Table
• Bulletin Boards
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Monthly Calendar of Events
• Newsletter
• News Releases to the Local Newspapers
• These tips would work for all 3 generations as long as they set foot in the library…..
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Staff
• Word of Mouth in the Library
• Sharing Programs/Services with Customers without Asking
• Lobby Table Staffed
• Staff Roaming the Library…..TALKING to Customers……
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Don’t Forget SIZE! Yes, SIZE Matters!
• Catch Their Eye:
• Clear, Clean, Large Enough to Read
• Paper Color Can be a Problem
• Information in Alternative Formats, Upon Request, in Large Print, Voice, or Braille (Remember the ADA, Folks).
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Need to Have a Marketing Plan
• Do Some PR—The Do the Plan
• Who Will You Target
• Who Will do the Targeting
• How Will You Approach the 3 Groups of Older Adults
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Baby Boomers are Like a Hybrid! They are one foot in print and one foot, they think is in Technology!
• Other Options to Try:
• Local Cable (Seniors Love Cable!)
• Flyers, Posters in Places like Banks, Food Stores, Etc.
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Are There Any Newspapers with a Senior Column?
• Does Your Town have a Blog?
• Hey, Let’s Text Message Those Boomers and See if They Know What to Do
• Develop a MySpace or Facebook Page
• Library’s Web Site
• E-Mail News to Customers
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Some Observations…..
• Seniors Like to “Collect” Things, So Paper is Good
• Have PR Out Far in Advance…..But Not Too Far!
• Have it in a Variety of Formats
• Talk to Seniors in the Library, in the Community
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• ……..
• Develop a Mailing List of Key People in the Community. Let Them Know What’s Going On
• Know the Staff of the Local Paper
• Do a Little “Stand-up” in the Community
• Ask Circulation Staff to “Slip-it-in” Once a Week
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Write a Column for the Local Newspaper
• Work Cooperatively in Publicizing Programs with Senior groups, like AARP, County Area Agency on Aging, etc.
• Develop a “TV Show” for Your Local Cable Station on Senior Programs, Services
• Develop Programs in Cooperation With Other Groups—Double the Publicity
Marketing From the Inside--OUT
• Finally,
• Print vs. Non-Print Options
• In Library vs. Out of Library Promotion
• Print Size is IMPORTANT in Flyers/Posters
• Develop PR in Other Languages
• PR is Everyone’s Business! In Fact, it is the Library’s Business!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Multi-District Workshop, Part 4: Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Multi-District Workshop
Presented by
Allan M. Kleiman
September 9, 2009
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Why am I Interested
What is my Experience
Share What I Have Learned
Become a Catalyst: How Can You Get Seniors in Your Library Involved in Social Networking!!!
Libraries, Older Adults &
What is Your Definition of “Technology?”
Libraries, Older Adults &
Computer Training & Older Adults
Social Networking, Blogging
Adaptive Equipment
Let’s Wii!
Libraries, Older Adults &
Who is Doing Computer Training?
Here are some options for you!
Libraries, Older Adults &
Generations Online
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults &
Big Screen Live
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults &
AARP Older Wiser Wired
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Pew Internet & American Life----
22% of Seniors 65 and Older use the Internet
11% of MySpace Users Are Over 55!
Blogging for Older Adults—Has Replaced Creative Writing and Life Review
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Think—MySpace, Facebook, etc.
Place on the Net—Community Location
Place to Exchange Ideas
Show Who You Really Are!
Opportunity to Meet People From Throughout the World
Develop Friendships
Garying of the Internet
Most Part Community Sites are Positive
Opportunity for Older Adults Who Are Lonely, Isolated to Meet Other People And Share
Interactive (Really Interactive)
Become Your “Center” on the Internet, Your Place to Be! Where You belong—Where You Feel Comfortable!
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
New Search Engine—It’s not crabby, it’s
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
What’s New—, launching June 2007, mission is to help baby boomers and their aging parents deal with the challenges and opportunities of aging by providing the most useful thought-provoking and trusted information available anywhere,
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Have You Seen Ads for Boomertowne?
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Who Here Blogs?
Who Reads Blogs?
Do Older Adults Blog? You Bet They Do!
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Senior Bloggers were interviewed by AP and said that the benefits for them of blogging were:
Senior blogs help older adults keep their minds sharp
Senior blogs keep the authors up on current events
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Senior blogs are a great way to meet people from throughout the world
It’s easy to share life experiences, wisdom and information through senior blogs
In some cases, senior blogs give the authors a bit of fame and recognition for their efforts
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
3 Percent of online seniors in the U.S. have created a blog, and 17% have read someone else’s blog
22 percent of Americans aged 65 and older use the Internet. That’s 1 in 5!
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
The Ageless Project
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
It’s not MySpace Yet! But Who Knows what’s next for Seniors Online, Senior Blogs, Seniors and the Internet
Online Communities for Seniors are Growing and are here to stay!
Libraries, Older Adults &
Low Tech/High Tech Visually/Hearing Impaired
Sheets from Demco
What Equipment Does Your Library Have?
Libraries, Older Adults &
Gaming & Older Adults
How Many of Your Are Gaming @ Your Library
Teens? Children? Adults? Older Adults?
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libgaming (Google Group)
Libraries, Older Adults &
Trace Steps
Last June 2007, ALA Conference
Internet Librarian, October 2007
First Gaming Day with Teens, November 2007
Monthly Gaming (Part of Friday Programs)
Now Doing Gaming for ALL Ages
Libraries, Older Adults &
Open Gaming
Most Popular Game=Wii Bowling
New Game, Wii Fitness? Maybe
What’s Next?
Seniors Teaching Seniors
Senior Center vs. Library
Libraries, Older Adults &
Some Other Ideas?????
Classes in Digital Photography
How to Use an MP3/IPOD
Downloading Audio Books
How to Use a Cell Phone
Second Life
Libraries, Older Adults &
In Conclusion:
Got Some Food for Thought
New Ideas, Suggestions
Go Home and Look at These Sites
Purchase Low Tech Equipment
Get Involved and Wii
Libraries, Older Adults &
For More Information: (
Libraries, Older Adults &
Senior Friendly Libraries Blog
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults &
Thank You
Allan M. Kleiman
Multi-District Workshop
Presented by
Allan M. Kleiman
September 9, 2009
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Why am I Interested
What is my Experience
Share What I Have Learned
Become a Catalyst: How Can You Get Seniors in Your Library Involved in Social Networking!!!
Libraries, Older Adults &
What is Your Definition of “Technology?”
Libraries, Older Adults &
Computer Training & Older Adults
Social Networking, Blogging
Adaptive Equipment
Let’s Wii!
Libraries, Older Adults &
Who is Doing Computer Training?
Here are some options for you!
Libraries, Older Adults &
Generations Online
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults &
Big Screen Live
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults &
AARP Older Wiser Wired
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Pew Internet & American Life----
22% of Seniors 65 and Older use the Internet
11% of MySpace Users Are Over 55!
Blogging for Older Adults—Has Replaced Creative Writing and Life Review
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Think—MySpace, Facebook, etc.
Place on the Net—Community Location
Place to Exchange Ideas
Show Who You Really Are!
Opportunity to Meet People From Throughout the World
Develop Friendships
Garying of the Internet
Most Part Community Sites are Positive
Opportunity for Older Adults Who Are Lonely, Isolated to Meet Other People And Share
Interactive (Really Interactive)
Become Your “Center” on the Internet, Your Place to Be! Where You belong—Where You Feel Comfortable!
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
New Search Engine—It’s not crabby, it’s
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
What’s New—, launching June 2007, mission is to help baby boomers and their aging parents deal with the challenges and opportunities of aging by providing the most useful thought-provoking and trusted information available anywhere,
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Have You Seen Ads for Boomertowne?
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Who Here Blogs?
Who Reads Blogs?
Do Older Adults Blog? You Bet They Do!
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Senior Bloggers were interviewed by AP and said that the benefits for them of blogging were:
Senior blogs help older adults keep their minds sharp
Senior blogs keep the authors up on current events
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Senior blogs are a great way to meet people from throughout the world
It’s easy to share life experiences, wisdom and information through senior blogs
In some cases, senior blogs give the authors a bit of fame and recognition for their efforts
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
3 Percent of online seniors in the U.S. have created a blog, and 17% have read someone else’s blog
22 percent of Americans aged 65 and older use the Internet. That’s 1 in 5!
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
The Ageless Project
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
Libraries, Older Adults & Technology
It’s not MySpace Yet! But Who Knows what’s next for Seniors Online, Senior Blogs, Seniors and the Internet
Online Communities for Seniors are Growing and are here to stay!
Libraries, Older Adults &
Low Tech/High Tech Visually/Hearing Impaired
Sheets from Demco
What Equipment Does Your Library Have?
Libraries, Older Adults &
Gaming & Older Adults
How Many of Your Are Gaming @ Your Library
Teens? Children? Adults? Older Adults?
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libgaming (Google Group)
Libraries, Older Adults &
Trace Steps
Last June 2007, ALA Conference
Internet Librarian, October 2007
First Gaming Day with Teens, November 2007
Monthly Gaming (Part of Friday Programs)
Now Doing Gaming for ALL Ages
Libraries, Older Adults &
Open Gaming
Most Popular Game=Wii Bowling
New Game, Wii Fitness? Maybe
What’s Next?
Seniors Teaching Seniors
Senior Center vs. Library
Libraries, Older Adults &
Some Other Ideas?????
Classes in Digital Photography
How to Use an MP3/IPOD
Downloading Audio Books
How to Use a Cell Phone
Second Life
Libraries, Older Adults &
In Conclusion:
Got Some Food for Thought
New Ideas, Suggestions
Go Home and Look at These Sites
Purchase Low Tech Equipment
Get Involved and Wii
Libraries, Older Adults &
For More Information: (
Libraries, Older Adults &
Senior Friendly Libraries Blog
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults &
Libraries, Older Adults &
Thank You
Allan M. Kleiman
Multi-District Workshop Part 2: Senior Spaces
"Senior Spaces"
The Library Place for Baby Boomers, Older Adults & their Families
Multi-District Workshop, September 9, 2009
"Senior Spaces”
There is a shift in the aging population happening all over the world!
Opportunity for us not a challenge!
New Era in Library Service to the Baby Boomers and Older Adults Has Started
“Senior Spaces”
Welcome to the Old Bridge Public Library
“Senior Spaces” Project
Opened on June 8, 2007
That’s Why You’re All Here—to See What we did, how we did it and how you can do it at your library!
"Senior Spaces”
Physical Space
Program Space
Meeting Space
Learning Space
Bookstore Space
And, More!
"Senior Spaces”
Why “Senior Spaces”
Response: Why Not!
It’s Not a New Concept
Libraries Have Children’s Rooms, YA Rooms, so….we have a Senior Space
“Senior Spaces”
We didn’t Create Senior Spaces in a Vacuum—
We know that the Boomers are Coming at the Same Time Older Adults are Living Longer
We know that LFF was developing senior spaces to serve the boomers
"Senior Spaces”
We Wanted to Create a Space to Serve All 3 Generations of Older Adults
We wanted to Create a Space that Would be Welcoming, Inviting and Comfortable
We wanted to create a space that would have books and reading at the center
"Senior Spaces”
We wanted a Space where People Could do Some Self-Paced Learning
We Wanted a Space Where the Community Could Gather and Chat or Take a Class or Learn to Write Poetry or Just Socialize
We wanted something on par with our YA Service
“Senior Spaces”
We wanted to develop a “space” that included a:
“Physical Space”
“A Web 2.0/Internet Space”
“Programming Space”
“Outreach Space”
“Laboratory Space”
“Senior Spaces”
Based Upon What Already Exists
Savvy Seniors
Craft Club
Senior Fridays
Computer Classes
Take it to the Next Level
"Senior Spaces”
So……how did we begin
Snuck the Concept into our Strategic Plan
Phase I, Physical Space
Needed Money????? Maybe!
But Money is Nice
Where to Get it?
"Senior Spaces”
Looked at the Trading Spaces Model
Regional Library Cooperative, Infolink asked for $$$$$ which we matched
$10,000 from INFOLINK and $10,000 from the Library
NJ State Library finally came through on June 8th—with $10,000 more!
"Senior Spaces”
“Physical Space” How did we start?
What Did we Have Money to Buy?
What Furniture Was Still Good?
“Red” as the “Senior Spaces” Color
Decided Not to Spend Money on an Architect
Had to “Blend-in” with the Library
"Senior Spaces”
Spent Weeks Looking at Library Catalogs, Library Vendors
Bro-Dart Tables (Wheelchair Height)
Chairs (Demco)
Computers (Dell)
Rocking Chairs (Highsmith, Gaylord)
Begged, Borrowed & Stole….
"Senior Spaces”
In My Head—I Knew What I Wanted?
Had a Physical Space to “Live With”
Nothing is in Stone!
Re-arranged “Senior Spaces” 4 Times
Each Time I Like it Better and Better!
Is it Perfect? No—Why Should it Be?
"Senior Spaces”
Developed an Advisory Board!
Unofficial Board Until September 2007
Our Craft Club, Savvy Seniors and Senior Fridays acted as Board
Board Members
“Senior Spaces”
How Did We Document the Program
Website by Infolink (Document)
Website by Library (Current)
Blog (Current plus Comment)
“Senior Spaces”
Where we are Now!
What are our Current Programs?
Where are we going in the future?
“Senior Spaces”
Continue all of the above, plus:
Blogging, Podcasting, Vodcasting
Second Life
Woman’s Discussion Group
Grandparents as Caregivers
Second Life
“Senior Spaces”
Movie Club
More! Meaningful Volunteer Opportunities Being Developed
Increased Boomer Programming
Finally, July 1—Senior Spaces is now part of Adult Services Department
“Senior Spaces”
So, this is what we’ve done so far
Shared what’s on the horizon for us
But what about you? So, h
Here are some ideas to start?
“Senior Spaces”
This is How I Would Start—
1. Look at Your Library
2. Can you Re-arrange Furniture to create a definable “space”
3. Move Large Print Books Near That Space
4. Place to Develop Seasonal Displays
“Senior Spaces”
5. Get an Advisory Board Together
6. Can You Create Some Signage That Indicates That There is a Space for Seniors & Boomers
7. Bulletin Board to Help Focus on Articles and News of Interest
8. Purchase Materials
“Senior Spaces”
9. Gear Technology Training to This Age Group
10. Plan Programming That Meets the Needs of These Ages
11. “Identity” in Your Library, Brochures, Newsletters, in Your Service Plan
12. Get the Community Involved
Senior Spaces”
So, what ideas do you have to “senior space” your library?
“Senior Spaces”
Putting it All Together
In conclusion--
"Senior Spaces”
Libraries need to acknowledge this new exciting challenge that’s coming and get ready and plan for it………..
So, I presented some ideas--I hope that you begin to think about the demographic changes that are coming and how your library can be a POSITIVE force for the Baby Boomers
"Senior Spaces”
Enough Words…………….
Visit Us Anytime on the Web or in Person at:
“Senior Spaces”
Thank You
Allan M. Kleiman
The Library Place for Baby Boomers, Older Adults & their Families
Multi-District Workshop, September 9, 2009
"Senior Spaces”
There is a shift in the aging population happening all over the world!
Opportunity for us not a challenge!
New Era in Library Service to the Baby Boomers and Older Adults Has Started
“Senior Spaces”
Welcome to the Old Bridge Public Library
“Senior Spaces” Project
Opened on June 8, 2007
That’s Why You’re All Here—to See What we did, how we did it and how you can do it at your library!
"Senior Spaces”
Physical Space
Program Space
Meeting Space
Learning Space
Bookstore Space
And, More!
"Senior Spaces”
Why “Senior Spaces”
Response: Why Not!
It’s Not a New Concept
Libraries Have Children’s Rooms, YA Rooms, so….we have a Senior Space
“Senior Spaces”
We didn’t Create Senior Spaces in a Vacuum—
We know that the Boomers are Coming at the Same Time Older Adults are Living Longer
We know that LFF was developing senior spaces to serve the boomers
"Senior Spaces”
We Wanted to Create a Space to Serve All 3 Generations of Older Adults
We wanted to Create a Space that Would be Welcoming, Inviting and Comfortable
We wanted to create a space that would have books and reading at the center
"Senior Spaces”
We wanted a Space where People Could do Some Self-Paced Learning
We Wanted a Space Where the Community Could Gather and Chat or Take a Class or Learn to Write Poetry or Just Socialize
We wanted something on par with our YA Service
“Senior Spaces”
We wanted to develop a “space” that included a:
“Physical Space”
“A Web 2.0/Internet Space”
“Programming Space”
“Outreach Space”
“Laboratory Space”
“Senior Spaces”
Based Upon What Already Exists
Savvy Seniors
Craft Club
Senior Fridays
Computer Classes
Take it to the Next Level
"Senior Spaces”
So……how did we begin
Snuck the Concept into our Strategic Plan
Phase I, Physical Space
Needed Money????? Maybe!
But Money is Nice
Where to Get it?
"Senior Spaces”
Looked at the Trading Spaces Model
Regional Library Cooperative, Infolink asked for $$$$$ which we matched
$10,000 from INFOLINK and $10,000 from the Library
NJ State Library finally came through on June 8th—with $10,000 more!
"Senior Spaces”
“Physical Space” How did we start?
What Did we Have Money to Buy?
What Furniture Was Still Good?
“Red” as the “Senior Spaces” Color
Decided Not to Spend Money on an Architect
Had to “Blend-in” with the Library
"Senior Spaces”
Spent Weeks Looking at Library Catalogs, Library Vendors
Bro-Dart Tables (Wheelchair Height)
Chairs (Demco)
Computers (Dell)
Rocking Chairs (Highsmith, Gaylord)
Begged, Borrowed & Stole….
"Senior Spaces”
In My Head—I Knew What I Wanted?
Had a Physical Space to “Live With”
Nothing is in Stone!
Re-arranged “Senior Spaces” 4 Times
Each Time I Like it Better and Better!
Is it Perfect? No—Why Should it Be?
"Senior Spaces”
Developed an Advisory Board!
Unofficial Board Until September 2007
Our Craft Club, Savvy Seniors and Senior Fridays acted as Board
Board Members
“Senior Spaces”
How Did We Document the Program
Website by Infolink (Document)
Website by Library (Current)
Blog (Current plus Comment)
“Senior Spaces”
Where we are Now!
What are our Current Programs?
Where are we going in the future?
“Senior Spaces”
Continue all of the above, plus:
Blogging, Podcasting, Vodcasting
Second Life
Woman’s Discussion Group
Grandparents as Caregivers
Second Life
“Senior Spaces”
Movie Club
More! Meaningful Volunteer Opportunities Being Developed
Increased Boomer Programming
Finally, July 1—Senior Spaces is now part of Adult Services Department
“Senior Spaces”
So, this is what we’ve done so far
Shared what’s on the horizon for us
But what about you? So, h
Here are some ideas to start?
“Senior Spaces”
This is How I Would Start—
1. Look at Your Library
2. Can you Re-arrange Furniture to create a definable “space”
3. Move Large Print Books Near That Space
4. Place to Develop Seasonal Displays
“Senior Spaces”
5. Get an Advisory Board Together
6. Can You Create Some Signage That Indicates That There is a Space for Seniors & Boomers
7. Bulletin Board to Help Focus on Articles and News of Interest
8. Purchase Materials
“Senior Spaces”
9. Gear Technology Training to This Age Group
10. Plan Programming That Meets the Needs of These Ages
11. “Identity” in Your Library, Brochures, Newsletters, in Your Service Plan
12. Get the Community Involved
Senior Spaces”
So, what ideas do you have to “senior space” your library?
“Senior Spaces”
Putting it All Together
In conclusion--
"Senior Spaces”
Libraries need to acknowledge this new exciting challenge that’s coming and get ready and plan for it………..
So, I presented some ideas--I hope that you begin to think about the demographic changes that are coming and how your library can be a POSITIVE force for the Baby Boomers
"Senior Spaces”
Enough Words…………….
Visit Us Anytime on the Web or in Person at:
“Senior Spaces”
Thank You
Allan M. Kleiman
Multi-District Workshop Part 3: Programming
Programming: Not Just For the Boomers
Allan M. Kleiman
Multi-District Workshop
September 9, 2009
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l Service to 70 Year Old Has Changed
l Started in 1974—70 Seemed Old
l Today 70 is the new 60!
l What This Means is That We Are Programming in a Different Way
Programming: Not Just For the Boomers
l Two Groups That We Are Programming For:
l Mobile, Active Elderly, Regular Library Users
l Non-Mobile, Homebound or Facility Bound
l Currently Approximately 35 Million Older Adults Over 65
l By 2030, Population Will Be 75-78 Million
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l Like You to Think About is That we Plan for Current Generation of Older Adults and the Next Generation of Older Adults (Me)!
l Sorry, But You Cannot Stop Time!
l In 20 Years, I’ll be 75—What Can the Library Do For Me! What Can You Plan Now—that can evolve, change, adapt, so that you have a Good Transition
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l Idea is: Take an “Old” Idea and Put a New Spin on It!
l Here are Some Suggestions for You to Take Back to Your Library and Start!
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l Technology Training
l Basic Computer Training
l Introduction to the Internet
l Safety and Security on the Internet
l Internet Savvy, Medicare Part D
l Buy Tickets on Line
l E-mail, Children & Grandchildren
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l Train Senior in “New” Technology
l Digital Photography
l iPods, MP3 Players, E-Books
l Gaming—Wii Festival in Fall, Tournaments
l What Else Can You Think Of?
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l Twist:
l Peer-to-Peer Teaching
l Inter-generational Classes
l Boomers Teaching Their Parents (or surrogate parents)
l Get Nursing Home residents, isolated elderly involved. Bed side teaching, teach classes in senior center or nursing home
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l Loaning Equipment to Use & Try
l Make iPods Available
l Laptops
l Get Seniors Involved With Social Networking, like Seniornet or Eons
l Show Seniors How to Set-up a Blog!
l WOW!
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l Good Programming for Over 70’s Should Include:
l Programs that Engage, are Interactive,
l Allow People to Share, Discuss, Reminisce
l Get People Involved
l Use Their Mental Capacities
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l Traditional Ideas, include:
l Film or Book Discussions
l Cultural Programming, Reflecting Different Backgrounds, concentrating around holidays and festivals
l Movement, Basic Exercise, Dance
l Financial Security, Recently Retired
l 2nd Careers, Resumes for Over 70 Group
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l Consumer Health
l Local History, Genealogy, “Roots”
l Nostalgia Programming, on Decades, Events, Persons, Places
l “Remembering” BiFolkal Kits
l Old Basics: Creative Writing, Poetry
l Intergenerational Programming, Sharing
l Biggest Draw: Music
Programming: Not Just for Boomers Only
l The Teaching Company, Courses
l “Lifelong Learning”
l Grandparents Raising Grandparents
l Programs on “Coping with Loss”
Programming: Not Just for Boomers Only
l Make Every Program an Event to Remember
l July 6—”The Queen,” starring Helen Mirren
l Display, Royal Memorabilia (Print, Commemoratives)
l Book Display at Program
l Music Playing
l Show Movie (Introduce & Add Questions)
Programming: Not Just for Boomers Only
l Marketing
l Traditional, Print, Local Newspapers
l Flyers, Calendar, Newsletters in Library
l Church Bulletins
l Receipt Printers (as Publicity)
l (Some) E-Mail
Programming: Not Just for Boomers Only
l Senior Spaces (focus)
l 1/6 of our Library devoted to spaces for boomers, older adults, the elderly and their families
l Areas: Special Needs, Front Porch (Rocking Chairs), Bookstore, Listening Area, Living Room and the Center for Creative Learning
l Individual Programming on Demand
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l 70 Year Olds
l Stimulating
l Exciting
l Engaging
l Participating
l Includes, Cultural Diversity
l Traditional Marketing Techniques
l Utilizes the Print resources of the Library
Programming: Not Just for the Boomers
l Thank You
l Allan M. Kleiman
Multi-District Workshop Part I: Introduction
Serving Older Adults: From Large Print Books to Gaming
Allan M. Kleiman
Multi-District Workshop
September 9, 2009
Serving Older Adults
n Good Morning
n Thank You
n Unique Perspective on the Topic
n There is a shift in the Aging population happening all over the world!
n Opportunity for us not a challenge!
Serving Older Adults
n Who in this room is a boomer?
n What does that mean to you?
n How do you look at growing older?
n Different from your Parents? Or Grandparents
Serving Older Adults
n Who are “they?”
n Currently, 35 Million Seniors
n By 2030, 78 Million Seniors, close to 20% of the Population
n That’s 1 in 5
Serving Older Adults
n How do we translate this demographic change into positive library services?
n What are the implications?
n But it is more complicated than that?
n Question the notion that there is such a thing as “library services to older adults”
Serving Older Adults
n What is Library Service to older adults now?
n What should it be in the future?
n Is it on the same par as Children’s Services? Teen Services?
Serving Older Adults
n Basis for Service Today……
n ALA RUSA RSS Guidelines for Library Service to Older Adults (2008)
n Established Broad Principles for Service
Serving Older Adults
n How could you turn around your Library and create such a Service?
n Why do we Have to?
n Can’t we just do the same thing we’ve been doing for the last 100 Years?
n Who Would Know the Difference?
n ------The Boomers Would!!!!!!!
Serving Older Adults
n Boomers have always thought that they can change the world
n Shift of what it means to grow older
n Change in what retirement means
n Change in almost all facets of American Life
Serving Older Adults
n What the Boomers are beginning to do is create a New Life Stage Between Careers and Old Age
n Something that really has not previously happened!
n And everyone in this room is going to be an active participant in the process
Serving Older Adults
n ‘the baby boomers will turn their golden years into an intense time of social activism, volunteerism, and lifelong learning.” “In retirement, the Woodstock generation will still be trying to change the world.”
n (Prime Time by Marc Freedman)
Serving Older Adults
n How will this effect our libraries?
n The Boomers “force” us to look at Library Services to Adults and Older Adults in a different way!
n Now--3 Groups of Older Adults
n 40-60, 60-80, 80-100
n Active vs. Inactive
Serving Older Adults
n Now……we need to create library programs that serve the 3 generations:
n Boomers, Older Adults and the Elderly
n We need to continue what we have been doing plus expand to serve this “new generation!”
Serving Older Adults
n The Boomers give us an opportunity to change the library from a passive entity to one which is a catalyst
n The library will become the center of town in every community--
n to be the place for public debate and discussion
n to allow for individual instruction
n allow for group learning and discovery
Serving Older Adults
n We want to HOOK the Boomers in Now!
n Many have not used the Library in years
n Re-introduce the Library/Services
n We need to get the Boomers Out of Barnes & Noble!
n Boomers are going to redefine retirement and we want our Libraries to be a part of that
Serving Older Adults
n Boomers will be looking for Places for
n Information
n Recreation
n Education
n Socialization
n What Better Place Than Your Library?
Serving Older Adults
n Most difficult Boomer to attract?
n Men or Women?
n Have not used the library very much
n Rarely took the kids to the library
n Bought paperbacks at B&N
n Library collections are women oriented
n Men’s Books are Fewer
Serving Older Adults
n What do the Boomers want?
n Want it NOW !
n Don’t Want to Wait!
n Expect Good Customer Service!
n Can go Elsewhere!
n Are Internet savvy!
n Don’t really need libraries!!!!!!
Serving Older Adults
n …..this post-World War II generation, healthier than their parents, will expect the 21st century library to be a cross between the traditional library, a 24/7 learning center and a community college.
n Allan M. Kleiman
Serving Older Adults
n “Boomers won’t be content with a collection of large-print books, and all the library staff will have to be involved in providing services, not just the Outreach Staff. There will be a new kind of adult and older adults services created to lure the Boomers into Libraries.” Allan M. Kleiman
Serving Older Adults
n “Boomers will expect creative, exciting and stimulating programming and exhibits, enhanced technology, small meeting rooms and large spaces for discussions.” Allan M. Kleiman
n Libraries need to acknowledge this new exciting challenge that’s coming and get ready and plan for it………..
Serving Older Adults
n So this is an opportunity for Revolution
n So this is an opportunity to change
n So this is an opportunity for us to develop a new vision of what growing older is
n So this is a new direction in library services to the baby boomers, older adults and the elderly
Serving Older Adults
n Now, we know all the facts—
n What Can we do?
n What are some ideas to rethink your library and the services that we provide?
n Here are some suggestions-----
Ideas--The Physical Library
n Layout
n Circulation/Self-Check Out
n Coffee/Food/Prune Juice Bar/Teas
n Conversation Areas
n Drive-thru window
n Policies….are they “senior” friendly
n Traditional plus--
n Web based marketing
n E-Mail (not text message)
n RSS Feeds
n Podcasts
n Cell Phones
n Other Technology….we don’t know
Ideas--Marketing, cont.
n Begin Now-----Reaching Out to People at their Workplace
n Begin to borrow ideas from the Boomer Gurus----
n Ken Dychwald,
n Mary Furlong,
n How will they Change?
n Traditional plus
n 24/7 Library
n E-Books (According to Overdrive, Readers are 44 Years old and 70% Women)
n E-Music, E-Video
Ideas--Collections, cont.
n Retirement
n Financial Security
n Travel, Leisure
n Caring for Aging Parents
n 2nd Career Information
n Volunteer Opportunities
n Course/School Opportunities
n Baby Boomer Headquarters (
n Reinventing Aging: Baby Boomers and Civic Engagement (Harvard School of Public Health)
n Civic Ventures (
n Libraries for the Future (
n Boomer Project (, Matt Thornhill) Newsletter
n WHCOA 2005 (
n ALA WHCOA Site (
n John Beck, Got Game (How the Gamer Generation is Reshaping Business Forever) and look at OCLC Newsletter No. 267
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